Educational Games
Games can be one of many tools to help consolidate knowledge and skills your child has been working on in school. There are many online sites which provide free educational games. As always, we advise that children are always supervised when using the internet and that screen time should be balanced with playing outside, using their imagination and reading. Please find a list of some useful sites below. Note that some sites listed below require creating a free account.
Games Suitable for Infants
Selection of games suitable for the infant level. Various games focus on maths skills, as well as sight words and sounds. Site requires creating a free account, but has lots of fantastic resources.
Lots of games organised into topics i.e. words, maths, holiday-themed, infant skills and strategy.
The Kindergarten section of this website has a selection of maths games focused on skills they may be learning in school. Some of these activities are more challenging than what would be expected at this stage, and so may be suitable for children who need extension work.
These are fun games available to download as a free app for ipads and phones.